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Clinic Has Reopened for Business!

Dear clients, the clinic has recently came out of lock down and is now reopened. However please note that the clinic like other businesses will be operating in accordance to new COVID-19 compliance rules. Please follow details below:

Client Hygiene Procedures

If you are early for your appointment, please wait outside or in your car, as no more than one client can be in the clinic at any one time.

A hand sanitising station is set up outside the clinic – please use the hand sanitiser before you open the clinic door.

A disposable face mask will be provided outside the clinic entrance – please put this on before you enter the clinic.

Please keep your face mask on during any consultation and whenever you are facing up on the therapy bed. You may loosen or remove your mask when you are facing down on the therapy bed.

At the end of your treatment, please ensure your mask is back on before you get up from the therapy bed and keep your mask on until you leave the clinic. You can keep your mask or dispose of it when you get home.

If you have or had cold and flu symptoms within 2 weeks of the treatment, please rearrange your appointments for 2 weeks after to ensure that you are out of potential incubation period for COVID.

Due to the extra expenses of providing PPE and other new features I’m afraid I’ve had to put my prices up slightly. This will take into affect on 1st aug 2020. Please check new price list section.

Thank you for your continuous cooperation and support in keeping everyone safe.

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