Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatments Now Available

AKUEN Medical Therapies is proud to announce that from September 2014. Chinese Herbal Medicine treatments are now available.  As an introductory offer there will be a discount for herbal treatments priced at £30 for weekly treatment, until end of December 2014 (full price of £40 after promotion period end).
Ken O'Shea-Poon

All herbal treatments are custom made on the premises and tailored to the individuals specific needs, which be determined during a consultation.  This method ensures that all aliments presented can be uniquely supported to achieve a holistic treatment, rather than just targeting just one problem at a time. There are no herbal formulas made in advance and therefore all herbal prescriptions will be subjects to an overnight dispensary time.

Herbal Medicine is one of the main branches of Chinese therapies and is believed to significantly boost the therapeutic function of treatment from Traditional Chinese medicine.  Herbs are integral to a number of theories including the five elements, Yin and Yang balance, specific organ relationships, and thermal balances.  The function of herbal medicine can dissipate disharmony, dysfunction and stagnation to restore the body to its balanced state, effectively tackling the root of the complaint rather than just the symptoms.

Herbal formulas are all derived from plants, such as roots, bark, flowers, and leaves.  They do not contain any animal or mineral product as per UK guidelines.

For convenience of time, effort and taste, all herbal formulas are prescribed in powdered form which are capsuled for ease of consumption.  They can also be dispensed in powered form which can be diluted in water.

It is standard for all herbal treatments to be reviewed regularly as modifications need to be made to formula as symptoms and body conditions change.  Initial consultation (30mins approx.) is free and follow up treatments will be subject to a short consultation to assess the effect and make any modifications needed.  Best results are usually seen when used in conjunction with acupuncture and Tui na massage treatments.