AKUEN Supporting Local Charity

10169454_501351156631298_1641805670972814030_nFrom July 2014 AKUEN Medical Therapies will be volunteering time to support MK Melting Pot.  The MK Melting Pot is a community based organization that seeks to engage people within the communities in Milton Keynes in activities aimed at self – empowerment to develop individual potentials. We promote cultures; values; raise awareness; provide needs; raise personal or individual aspiration in people in their own community by teaching ways and means to integrate or participate as part of a teaming group on developmental programs that improves lives within such communities.

It is always important to my business that i support the community of Milton Keynes as social issues affect everyone. Organization that support people who are less privilege/harder to reach provide an important service and are often a lifeline for communities.  As funding cuts happen across the public sector many small organizations struggles to run their services, let alone have the luxury of giving their staff incentives for their important work.  Also many of the services users of these organizations may suffer a degree of social issues and may never come across private treatments such as Chinese medicine and acupuncture.  I feel privileged to be able to support the MK community with my work and will continue to seek out other organization that can benefit from Chinese medical therapies.

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